Mar 23, 2023
This episode features a conversation between LDF host Dan
Wotherspoon and Abe Collier, who heads a small international aid
NGO currently working in Ukraine. It is set up to be another in
what will be a series of episodes on the way people discern what
God/Life/the Universe seems to be calling them to do.
in this discussion, Abe shares with us his LDS background along
with various inflection points that ultimately led him to his work.
It's a beautiful story, but one also one that contains confusion
and sadness and various trade-offs he was called to experience.
But, as you will witness in his story, he has found peace and a
beautiful sense of fulfillment in what he is doing. He has wisdom
far beyond that of most people his age, and it is a real pleasure
to introduce him and his work to the Latter-day Faith
Listen in. As is always true, the very specificity of a life
journey allows us to notice and connect with things in our selves
that simply talking in general terms usually can't. Enjoy!