May 21, 2021
1 Corinthians 13 is one of the best known and most powerful
chapters in the Bible. At the end of the chapter before it, Paul
says he is going to talk to the people of Corinth about a "more
excellent way," and he then launches into his famous discourse on
love (translated as "charity" by the King James authors) and its
transcendence above all other gifts and qualities. The chapter also
contains a gorgeous section about spiritual growth and where it can
In this episode, Mark Crego takes us through the
many things Paul is saying by highlighting our attention on the
Greek words and phrasings in the original text and that expand our
understanding of so many new things that English translations
simply miss. Things we assumed we already grasped in the chapter
are opened to view. The qualities of love Paul describes take on a
new vitality, his litany of things that Love does not do
opens to subtleties that show the apostle's awareness of the
temptations that we too often yield to while showing our love to
others. Mark's unpacking of this chapter reveals a Paul at his
best, and our appreciation for what he'd come to know through his
experiences with God and people grows exponentially.
It is difficult to describe her just how interesting and empowering this episode is. Be ready to take notes! And please share this with others!