May 27, 2020
This episode features a discussion between LDF host Dan Wotherspoon and the wise and engaging Lyndsay Pulsipher. In it, they talk about Lyndsay's upbringing and fascinating background that features life in different locales with experiences and insights gained from each, a blending of two sets of children into one family, along with Lyndsay's career and general sense of the world. They then focus most intently on her faith journey within Mormonism that she always felt welcomed to blend with spiritual practices discovered in her wide reading and in other traditions. Lyndsay speaks about her experiences with centering prayer (with a Tibetan twist), her interest in and practices regarding angels/family members from the post-mortal realm, and her development of Sabbath Day rituals that enhance her devotions during this special day of the week.
Lyndsay's life and spirituality are simply beautiful. We know you'll enjoy this chance to get to know her! Listen in!